Carla Oliveira has a PhD from Fac. Medicine Univ. of Porto (2002), Portugal through a collaboration between the Cambridge University (UK) and Ipatimup in Porto, Portugal. She has been a post-doc at INSERM in Paris and after at the British Columbia Cancer Agency in Vancouver, Canada. After being an Invited researcher at Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology, Tubingen, Germany in 2011, she got a permanent position as Group Leader/Principal Investigator at i3S in Portugal, she is Affiliated Professor at the Fac. Medicine, Univ. Porto, and Scientific Head and was the CEO of Bioinf2Bio Bioinformatics Company till 2023. She is internationally recognized for her E-cadherin/CDH1-related diseases and hereditary cancer work, her main scientific aim is to disclose the missing heritability in Hereditary Gastric Cancer. PI of projects funded with >10M€, spoke in >150 conferences, publishing 220 papers (H-index 60 cited >16.000 times by 11,806 documents), and supervised >30 students. She is the Secretary General of the Executive Committee of European Society of Human Genetics (ESHG), member of its Scientific Program Committee and President of the Portuguese Society of Human Genetics (SPGH); National Coordinator in the European Reference Network ERN-GENTURIS on genetic tumour risk syndromes, and; head the Hereditary Diffuse Gastric Cancer branch of the SolveRD (Solving Rare diseases) EU-Project. She coordinates the PREVENTABLE project, and active member of the European-wide research project SOLVE-RD Solve Rare diseases. She successfully supervised 16 Masters and 19 PhD students to completion, 13 post-docs and recruited 4 junior project leaders for her team.