On behalf of the 2025 CGA-IGC Annual Meeting Planning Committee, we thank you for submitting your work for presentation. The online submission and evaluation process will be administered by the Kenes M+ Annual Meeting Organizing Secretariat.
All abstracts must be submitted online through the abstract submission system. Abstracts that are sent via e-mail or fax will not be included in the abstract assessment process by the Scientific Committee.
Abstract submission deadline:
May 16, 2025, 23:59 (UTC -5) (CDT)
Please take a moment to read the below guidelines before proceeding to submit your abstract.
Abstract Submission Guidelines
- All abstracts must be written in English.
- All abstracts must be submitted online through the abstract submission system. Abstracts that are sent via e-mail will not be included in the abstract review process.
- Use acronyms only when necessary and define all abbreviations and concepts in your abstract at first use.
- Always make sure to check the final abstract with the system’s preview function before submission and edit or replace as necessary. It is the authors’ responsibility to submit a correct abstract. Any errors in spelling, grammar or scientific fact will be reproduced as typed by the author.
- Since there will be no editing process on the abstracts, the authors are requested to avoid any typing errors, mis-ordering of the authors, wrong spelling/writing about the institutions, etc.
- The submitting and presenting authors are required to ensure that all co-authors are aware of the content of the abstract before submission.
- Only studies based on new and not-previously-published results can be submitted.
- All abstracts will initially be reviewed and will either be accepted or rejected by the Meeting Planning Committee. Meeting Planning Committee reserve the right to determine whether an abstract submission is accepted as an oral or a poster presentation.
- Only the abstracts of presenting authors who have completed their registrations and paid their registration fees by the registration deadline for abstract presenters (July 21, 2025) will be included in the Scientific Program and the abstract publications in the Familial Cancer Journal.
- Withdrawal of abstracts is only accepted if notified in writing and subsequently confirmed by the CGA-IGC Annual Meeting Organizing Secretariat.
- By submitting an abstract, the authors consent to give CGA-IGC 2025 permission to publish their abstracts in the Familial Cancer Journal.
Publication in Familial Cancer Journal
CGA-IGC annual meeting abstracts are published in the Familial Cancer Journal.
Please visit the links to view abstracts from previous years:
Abstract Preparation and Submission on the System
STEP 1- Presentation Preference
- Category: A main category (see here) that is relevant for your abstract must be selected during the submission process. Meeting Planning Committee reserves the right to change the category during the abstract assessment process.
- Presentation type: During the submission please indicate your preferred presentation type (oral or poster). Meeting Planning Committee will make the final determination of the presentation type according to the requirements of the scientific program.
As usual, abstracts will be considered either for:
- Podium (Oral) or Poster
- Poster Only
STEP 2 – Institution Information
- The institution(s) of the authors should be indicated fully with the “department” and “institution” names while avoiding any abbreviations such as Dept., Univ., Inst., Hosp., etc.
- The department and institution details, city and country should be written with lower case while the initials of each word should be in capitals.
- Please make sure to include the City, State and Country information at the end for each institution.
- Enter each affiliation only once.
STEP 3 – Author Information
- First, middle and last names of all the authors must be fully indicated correctly and in the right order. Please pay attention to matching the institutions from the dropdown menu to the right authors, and make sure that you select the “presenting author” correctly from the Author List.
STEP 4 – Presenting Author Information
- Please enter the presenting author’s contact information correctly.
- It’s highly important for you to ensure that the e-mail address of presenting author is entered correctly, as all communication regarding the acceptance, any required adjustments, and scheduling will be sent to the presenting author via e-mail by the Meeting Organizing Secretariat.
- The presenting author will be required to register for the Conference in order to confirm acceptance of the abstract.
STEP 5 – Abstract Title
- Abstract title can contain a maximum of 150 characters.
STEP 6 – Abstract
- Abstract body should not exceed 300 words. The title of the abstract, authors' names, institutions and key words are not included in this limit, and should not be entered in this section.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are submitting a “General Research” or “Diversity/Equity/Inclusion/Justice” abstract, please submit your abstract with the structure below:
Background and Aim
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are submitting a “Case Reports / Case Series” abstract, please submit your abstract with the structure below:
Background and Aim
Clinical Presentation
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are submitting a “Collaborative” abstract, please submit your abstract with the structure below:
Background and Aim
Preliminary data (if any)
Project Plan and Timeline
Requirements for Collaboration
- Images, tables, diagrams and graphs are allowed for the abstracts. Please upload images, tables, diagrams and graphs in the system on the related section of the abstract submission system.
Please note that submitted images must strictly adhere to these guidelines, or the abstract will not be published:
- For images, the permitted file types are listed as .jpeg, .jpg, .jpe, .gif, .png
- Name your figure files with “Fig” and the figure number, e.g., Fig1.eps.
- Definition: Black and white graphic with no shading.
- Do not use faint lines and/or lettering and check that all lines and lettering within the figures are legible at final size.
- All lines should be at least 0.1 mm (0.3 pt) wide.
- Scanned line drawings and line drawings in bitmap format should have a minimum resolution of 1200 dpi.
- Vector graphics containing fonts must have the fonts embedded in the files.
- All tables should be submitted in image format.
STEP 7 – Keywords
- Keywords should not be included in any of the sections of the abstract text and written only in the section dedicated for keywords. A maximum 6 keywords can be provided. All keywords should be written in lower case.
STEP 8 – Preview & Check
- Authors must declare if they have any conflict of interests in their abstract.
- Some questions about profession, career level, and possible award applications are being asked at this step.
- Any comments and/or additional information to be shared with the Scientific Committee can be submitted through the comment box.
Learning Objective Requirement
- Each abstract submission must include one learning objective that clearly defines the intended educational outcome. Please use only one behavioral verb from the categories below to ensure clarity and specificity.
For guidance on writing effective learning objectives, refer to: AAMC Learning Objectives Guide.
Suggested Behavioral Verbs:
Remembering: Define, Identify, List, State, Reproduce
Understanding: Classify, Indicate, Match, Select, Summarize
Applying: Apply, Examine, Generalize, Illustrate, Record
Analyzing: Compare, Contrast, Differentiate, Discriminate, Examine
Evaluating: Argue, Critique, Defend, Evaluate, Judge
Creating: Construct, Design, Formulate, Hypothesize, Plan
After Submission
- When the submission process is finalized, you will see your abstract on your account Home page. Please be aware that the Scientific Committee will not receive “Not-Submitted Abstracts” and these therefore CANNOT be taken into consideration in the abstract review process.
- Upon submitting of your abstract an e-mail including the “Abstract Number” and “Abstract Title” will be sent to the submitting author. Please make sure to save your username and password for future use.
- You can make edits on your abstract before submitting it to the Scientific Committee. After the submission is completed, no edits will be allowed on the system even if there is time until the deadline. In that case, if you have to make some edits on your abstract after submitting but before the submission deadline, please contact the Annual Meeting Organizing Secretariat at (cavcioglu@kenes.com)
Evaluation Process and Acceptance Letters
All submitted abstracts will be scored by multiple members of the Scientific Committee. While scientific merit is the most important factor in evaluating an abstract, the program will also take into account other factors such as the topic, geographic representation, etc.
While we understand that the ability of authors at some institutions to obtain leave and/or financial reimbursement for conferences is determined by the type of presentation, this will not factor into the Scientific Committee’s decision and requests to upgrade a presentation will not be considered. The decision of the Scientific Committee will be final.
Acceptance letters will be sent via e-mail by the end of June 2025. Relevant information about your abstract's presentation including the presentation date, time, venue, presentation number will be included in the acceptance letter.
The abstract presenting author must be registered for the meeting by July 21, 2025.
Abstracts of unregistered presenting authors who do not complete their registrations (including payment) by this deadline will be removed from the final program and all relevant publications, including the Familial Cancer Journal.
Thank you for submitting your work for consideration. We look forward to welcoming you to the CGA-IGC Annual Meeting in St. Louis, MO, on October 9 – 11th, 2025.
Please contact us directly should you have any specific enquiries.
Kenes M+, Scientific Program Coordinator
Cagla Avcioglu, cavcioglu@kenes.com